Markle Park Board
Contact the Board
(260) 758-3193
Markle Park Board
Po Box 367
Markle, IN 46770
Park Board
The Town of Markle Park Board is composed of 4 members appointed for 3-year terms by the President of the Town Council on the basis of their interest in and knowledge of parks and recreation.
The Board has the power to perform all acts necessary and/or appropriate to acquire and develop sites and facilities and to conduct such programs as are generally understood to be park and recreation functions.
Board Members
Rick Asher
Term exp. 2020
Hal Mason
Term Ends 2021
John Markley
Term Ends 2020
Marilyn Lahr
Term Ends 2021
Council Meetings 7:30 am, Second Monday of the Month
Located in the Meeting Room Markle Fire Station
150 West Sparks Street
Markle,IN 46770